In the middle of nowhere…

Why can’t I be a proverb in a world full of similies and analogies…

        And why can’t there be a world that’s free of namesakes and terminologies…

A world where there’s no right way or wrong way, but an “Express”way,

        A place where there’s no black or white, but a clear shade of transparent grey…

A World where there’s no boiling or freezing point but just the right temperature for a successful pollination,

        A place where I can Live, Laugh and Love freely and affirmatively without any guilt, shame or accusation…

A world where Life’s just a beautiful journey for the growth of the loyal soul,

        A place where the universe will manifest my desires effortlessly without any embedded goal…

A world where the only goal would be to be happy, live beautifully and laugh out loud in vain,

        May be I am one of the privileged members of the society and hence can afford to sound insane…